Over 100 years ago in Indiana (America) the first book about the pawpaw was written. The book was previously printed in poor quality and too expensive.


"In Indiana, the pawpaw was as well known as the apple."

A valuable book with deep insights ...


Many thanks to the author James A. Little

View into the book:




"We can never realize what a great blessing the pawpaw was to the first settlers while they were clearing the great natural forest and preparing to build cabins. Planting fruit trees was rather an experiment for a number of years. The pawpaw and few other wild fruits of less value, were all their dependence so far as fruit is concerned. Well do I remember sixty or more years ago my father would take his gun and basket and go to the woods and return in the evening loaded with pawpaws, young squirrels, and sometimes mushrooms of which he was very fond. But there will never be a recurrence of those days which were the happiest of my life. "

" The pawpaw is indigenous to central Indiana but is found growing in its natural state over a large area of country extending to the Gulf on the south and as far west as eastern Kansas. It is found along most of the rivers and small streams. It delights in rich alluvial river bottom soil. It is well adapted to black ground and sugar tree land but is also found growing on heavy clay land. In fact any place where the soil is not too wet. The trees or bushes as they are generally called grow to the height of from twenty to twenty-five feet and commence bearing from four to six years after planting the seed. They bear when from four to six feet high. The pawpaw is remarkably hardy never having been known to be affected by cold weather. There are a great many varieties. The large specimens generally grow singly or in pairs, the smaller ones set in clusters of six or eight. The fruit is generally oblong but sometimes roundish in shape. Every variety of the pawpaw has its characteristic flavor, but all pawpaws are good if eaten when in a proper degree of ripeness. There is a general opinion that white fleshed pawpaws are not fit to eat but that is a mistaken idea. They are the late ones that extend the season to early winter. They are not edible until they turn a blackish color and the skin toughens somewhat. They are frequently found hanging on the trees as late as Christmas when their pulp is of the most delicious quality and as fine as Jersey butter. In central Indiana, the pawpaw commences to ripen about the first of September and the bulk of the crop is ripe by the last of September or first of October and lasts until early winter. "


" All things considered, I know of no fruit tree that will add more pleasure and profit than the pawpaw. In the first place it is one of our most excellent fruits, perfectly adapted to any situation; has no insect enemies; always bears; more trees may be planted to the acre without crowding than any other fruit tree; fruit sells higher in the market than bananas; comparatively very few people have ever tasted or even seen the fruit; consequently there will be great range for marketing the fruit. Five or six hundred trees may be planted on an acre of ground without over crowding. After an orchard has been established, there will never be any transplanting to do in a hundred years. So I will conclude by saying, plant the trees and nature guided by a kind Providence will do the rest. "


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